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Description and objectives
SIMPLA's work plan focuses on the establishment of a network of National Action Points (NFPs) in 6 countries (expanding to 12 through replication actions), which will combine technical and methodological expertise and the institutional capacity of both technical partners and public authorities.
These action points will carry out an ambitious and innovative work plan comprising the development of training and coaching actions, improvement of public coordination in the search for synergies and economies of scale, promotion of the involvement of public authorities and stakeholders, and exchange of best practices and mutual learning.
SIMPLA will define an international intervention model, through a strategic document elaborated and agreed by all the consortium, which will serve as a reference for public authorities in the implementation of their multi-sectoral energy and mobility plans, the “SIMPLA Manifesto”.
The ultimate goal of SIMPLA is to support public administrations in developing, implementing and financing sustainable energy policies and actions, creating the right conditions to optimally integrate Sustainable Energy Action Plans (SEAPs) and Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs). To this end, the project focuses on European cities and municipalities with a population between 50,000 and 350,000 inhabitants.
Value proposition
SIMPLA aims to achieve the following strategic objectives:
- Contribute to reduce energy consumption and increase renewable capacity in Europe.
- To improve at various levels (national, regional and local) the administrative decision making to establish a comprehensive and sustainable energy action plan.
- To extend the production of sustainable and comprehensive energy policies and planning tools targeted at the sectors of activity with the highest energy saving potentials (buildings, urban freight transport and urban mobility).
CIRCE coordinates the National Action Point in Spain, in collaboration with local public authorities. It also coordinates the elaboration of the “Guidelines for the appointment of expert panels, and the organization of sessions and workshops with focus groups” in collaboration with all CPs.
CIRCE will monitor, supervise and provide technical support in the implementation of each task and activity, helping to overcome any obstacles that may hinder its implementation. CIRCE will also play an active role in defining the international expert training program and its adaptation to the national level. Finally, the research center will also lead the process leading to the production of the “SIMPLA Manifesto”.
Project partners
AREA SCIENCE PARK, CIRCE, Diputación Provincial de Zaragoza, Diputación Provincial de Huelva, Región Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia, Toscana Region, Promoscience, STENUM Environmental Consulting and Research Company, Regional Government of Carinthia, Dobrich Local Energy Management Agency, Union of Bulgarian Black Sea Local Authorities, Kvarner Regional Energy Agency, Primorje-Gorski Kotar County, Istria Region, Alba Local Energy Agency, Alba County Government.