The EV-OPTIMANAGER Project - turning demand management into a new resource for consumers

This project has developed new solutions around electric vehicle charging to facilitate demand forecasting, consumption management, and the storage and delivery of electrical energy.
The aim of the talk is to present the tasks carried out in the project and showcase a real application of the achievements. Below are the details of the talk:
- Date and Time: Monday, March 18th, from 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM.
- Location: Room 2.06, Betancourt Building, Río Ebro Campus (ACTUR).
Speakers and Topics:
- José Sanz, Unizar and CIRCE: Lessons Learned from the SIRVE Project and the Birth of the EV-OPTIMANAGER Project.
- Gregorio Fernández, CIRCE: Optimal Demand Management Using Storage Systems.
- Eduardo García, CIRCE: Development of a Flexible and Modular Storage System for Demand Management.
- Manuel Garín, URBENER: Demand Management, a New Source of Income for Consumers.