Aragón presents its strategic commitment to the FP in a national forum on the challenges of the future

Fundación CIRCE has participated in the first edition of the event 'Tomorrow begins today', which was held yesterday at IFEMA in Madrid, to explain how Vocational Training has become Aragón in an incubator of digital talent, in response to the demands of the future and development of the territory.
He has done it together with the Government of Aragon, Zaragoza Logistics Center, the Aragon Automotive Cluster (CAAR) and the Innovation Center for the FP of Aragon (CIFPA). The general director of Planning and Professional Training of the Government of Aragon, Ricardo Almalé, detailed how the Department of Education, Culture and Sports has woven a network with research centers and companies to anticipate the formative demands of the future.
And how this work has led to the design of a digital campus that unites innovation, research, knowledge and technology. This campus will be located in the Expo site and will have new programs in areas such as Big Data, eSports, Agrotech, Industry 4.0, energy and water, design and marketing and technological tourism.
"Through education and, especially in the FP, we have vertebrated the territory taking the offer to the rural environment. In addition, we have worked with the different clusters and social and economic agents to qualify tomorrow's professionals," he explained. In the round table were presented cases of success in training such as the Zaragoza Logistics Center (ZLC), which explained its director Susana Val. The director of CIRCE, Andrés Llombart, highlighted the cross-cutting role of ICT in strategic sectors and the relevance of training and research going hand in hand.
Antonio Carrión, director of CIFPA, spoke about the training of trainers and the work of his center, of national reference. For his part, David Romeral, manager of the Automotive Cluster of Aragon, reported the collaboration of companies with the Government of Aragon in matters of FP, which has materialized in the offer of cycles, programs of 'ambassadors' to bring the FP to high school students and the first learning factory in Spain, a replica of a real factory.
'Tomorrow starts today' is the first edition of a forum on educational, business, scientific and, above all, human initiatives that are developed in our country to build a better tomorrow. All activities are inspired by the UN 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. The event, promoted and organized by IFEMA, Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism-ENISA and Barrabés, focuses on three key areas: Sustainable growth: within which education is framed; habitability: make cities livable and fight against depopulation; and well-being: improve the quality of life.
Participants in the round table: Ricardo Almalé. General Director of Planning and FP of the Government of Aragon. Susana Val. Director of Zaragoza Logistics Center, a research institute promoted by the Government of Aragon in collaboration with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and attached to the University of Zaragoza. International center, created in 2003, of excellence in logistics research and education and with an active and joint participation of industry and the public sector.

Andrés Llombart. General Director of the CIRCE Foundation, Energy Resources and Consumption Research Center, an entity with more than 25 years of history, which has become a reference in research in the field of energy efficiency and renewable energy. Based in Zaragoza and delegations in Madrid and Brussels.
Antonio Carrión Director of the Center for Innovation for Vocational Training of Aragon, a center dependent on the Government of Aragon and recognized as a national reference center in transport management and commercial logistics.
In addition, beyond logistics, it houses the first learning factory created in Spain, a replica of a real factory in the automotive sector, aimed at university and VET students, but also professionals, unemployed, managers and teachers. David Romeral Manager of the Aragon Automotive Cluster, which brings together 80 partners, 71 of them companies in the automotive sector, which have an aggregate turnover of 2.6 billion euros and more than 12,250 employees.
The Cluster, in addition to being a leading part of the learning factory, is driving together with the Government of Aragon of the first FP specialization program of our Community: a kind of FP master's degree, aimed at the training of team leaders in the car industry.